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Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Stand On Religion

No Ma'am, I am not religious. I don't go to mass often. I don't even pray the rosary nor recite the Lord's Prayer. But, i believe in Him. I believe that He is there and, foremost, I believe that I have a personal relationship with him. A relationship that need not be known nor shown to people. It will defeat the whole purpose of religion. I am neither an atheist nor a fanatic. I am a believer. I am neither a practicing Catholic nor a non-practicing one. I just simply see it the other way, that religion, unlike politics, is not a public affair. For centuries, people have been judged by their faith. Jews were persecuted just for the mere belief of one man that they are of inferior race. How pathetic. That one man's insecurity will lead to a loss of millions of lives. My point? We each have our own differences and practising your faith in contrast with the other does not make you a lesser human being.It just manifests your choice on how to give reverence to the Almighty. The greatest Being of all.

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